£4.5 million Newcastle track upgrade completed


£4.5 million Newcastle track upgrade completed

Over the last ten days, teams have been working day and night to deliver key rail improvements in Newcastle, resulting in smoother journeys for passengers.


The renewal of 750m of track will help to improve reliability, allowing passengers get to where they need to be on time. The old timber support system has been replaced with concrete, which makes it easier to spot any issues with the track and fix them more quickly, reducing delays.


Engineers packed in as much work as possible during the ten days, with work also going on to renew overhead line equipment and switches and crossings – the specialist pieces of rail which allow trains to move from one piece of track to another. This will mean less future disruption for passengers.


Paul Rutter, Route Director for Network Rail’s East Coast route, said: “Our teams have worked around the clock to deliver this project on time. It is great to see it reach the finish line, so that passengers can begin to reap the benefits of more reliable journeys.


“We’re sorry for the impact the work has had on people’s plans, especially with strike action added to the mix. I’d like to thank everyone for their patience whilst these significant upgrades were delivered, ensuring that we can keep running services efficiently and smoothly both now and in the future.”


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