South East Water submits plans for £39m water treatment works


South East Water submits plans for £39m water treatment works

South East Water have submitted plans to Tonbridge and Malling County Council for a state-of-the-art £39 million brand new water treatment works on the site of the old Aylesford Newsprint, Maidstone.


If planning permission is approved, South East Water will start construction of the new treatment facility in Dry End Road, Maidstone later this year.


The project forms part of South East Water’s pledge to invest £433 million into its network between 2020 and 2025.


South East Water will make use of the new and existing boreholes, pipework and storage tank originally built by the newsprint company to aid its printing processes.


By upgrading and adding to the existing infrastructure, drinking water quality standards will be met while reducing construction costs and impact on the surrounding area.


Steve Ntifo, Project Manager, South East Water, said:


“We’re really excited to be talking about our plans with the local community for the first time.


“We are proposing to build a state-of-the-art water treatment works to produce extra drinking water so we can keep up with the future growth of the community.”


If the plans are approved, it is anticipated building work will start later this year with the new site fully operational and pumping water to homes by March 2025.


Once built, the new treatment works will enable the water company to produce an additional 18 million litres of water per day.


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