Kier wins £100M Bristol Water contract


A Kier operative carrying out maintenance work. Photo courtesy of Kier.

Kier has been named the sole provider of Bristol Water’s network maintenance services programme in a contract award worth at least £100M.


The £20M per year deal is for five years with the possibility of a five year extension, giving it a potential total value of £200M. The contract is set to start on 1 October this year and construction works will comprise repairs and maintenance, metering, new connections, developer mains, trunk mains support and small diameter mains rehabilitation.


Kier has been delivering network maintenance services for Bristol Water since its acquisition of May Gurney in summer 2013. May Gurney at the time had recently won an emergency contract from the water supplier after the previous provider – Daniel Contractors – went into administration.


Kier operations director for utilities in the south Toby Harding said: “We are delighted to have been selected as sole provider of Bristol Water’s network maintenance services programme. Our forward thinking approach to safety, health and environment; quality and customer service is closely aligned with Bristol Water, and we look forward to working closely with them to ensure the continued success of the programme.”


Bristol Water director of network Gary Freake said: “Kier brings a wealth of experience not only in water, but also from the wider utility and construction sectors, and is delivering similar services to other water companies. Over the recent turbulent period, since our previous service provider went into administration, Kier have proven themselves, through their consistent performance and positive behaviours, to be a valuable partner to Bristol Water and one we are looking forward to working with in the years to come.”