£244M waste to energy contract awarded


£244M waste to energy contract awarded

Turnkey contractor Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) has been awarded a contract by Sita UK for the design and construction element of a £1.4Bn waste to energy plant at Severnside, South Gloucester, that will create 300 waste to energy jobs during construction.


Client Sita UK won the 25-year waste to energy project for the West London Waste Authority in November, which includes an infrastructure element of £244 million for the 34 MW plant. It also includes upgrading two rail linked transfer stations in West London from where waste will be sent to the new Severnside Energy Recovery Centre which already has planning permission.


Sita UK’s contract is to design, finance, build and operate infrastructure to manage up to 300,000 tonnes of residual municipal waste generated by 1.6 million people living in the London boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow and Richmond-upon-Thames each year. The plant will produce enough electricity to power the equivalent of 50,000 homes. A Public Private Partnership deal was finalised last month.


The waste authority hopes to be able to divert 96% of its waste from landfill and to save two million tonnes of CO2 over the life of the 25-year contract. The plant will have two waste incinerators, each with a 590 tonne per day capacity and is to be operational by 2016.


Waste authority chair Councillor Bassam Mahfouz said: “A large proportion of our household waste can be recycled, and the contract will support west London’s commitment to recycle at least 50% by 2020.”


HZI says this is its seventh turnkey plant contract in the UK in seven years. 


Photo: SITA


Left to Right: David Palmer-Jones (CEO SITA UK), Keith Townsend (Chief Technical Advisor, West London Waste Authority), Cllr Bassam Mahfouz (Chair West London Waste Authority), Jean-Louis Chaussade (CEO SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT), Jim Brennan (Director West London Waste Authority), Christophe Cros (Deputy Chief Executive Officer SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT) at the Waste Transfer Station, Brentford, to meet members of the West London Waste Authority